Onsite Oil Sampling & Analysis                  

A full spectrum oil analysis lab on location to provide the client with reliable data of their systems oil condition

Types of oil analyzed include

 Hydraulic oil
 Vegetable oil
 Bio oils
 Gear oil
 Transmission, Engine and other types of oil

Overview of onsite oil lab service

 Oil lab results provided in 15 minutes
 Provides full spectrum analysis to include moisture, ISO cleanliness, metals, additives,
       viscosity  and more
 Provides same accuracy of all other oil labs without the lag time
 Critical to any repair project and or system evaluation
 Provides critical documentation of a system before, during and after work is completed

Benefits of having the lab on site include

 Ability to determine accurate assessment of overall system condition
 Test new oil to create a base line to gauge used oil results by
 Faster determination and corrective action
 Justification of cost of repairs
 Gauge progress of system flushing, filtering and cleaning
 Pin point advanced system wear or failure
 Verify contaminates have been removed from system
 Confirm overall system condition after completion of repairs

Cost of having an oil lab on location during major repairs or system conditioning

 As little as $30.00 per sample; equal to or just slightly higher than mailed samples without
        the lag time
 For major projects the oil lab is provided at no additional cost to the project and is used as
        part of our QC and QA program
 While the lab is on location we will also perform analysis of other systems on case by
        case bases at little cost.

QC & QA Considerations

 Provides a starting point of contamination levels to work from
 Will provide a base line from testing new oil
 Provide a target cleanliness level to obtain based upon base line
 With periodic testing during work progression will provide details of progress
 Provides confirmation if a cleaning or repair process is meeting targeted goals
 Justification of costs
 Provides dependable documentation that can be verified by other lab results